The Economist-2023.02.25

The Economist

Language: English

Publisher: calibre

Published: Feb 23, 2023


Articles in this issue: Politics Business KAL’s cartoon This week’s cover How to win the hot war in Ukraine and the cold war that will follow it A year after he promised a transformation, Olaf Scholz has done too little Joe Biden’s new border policies irritate the extremes. Good South Africa’s diplomatic descent China has not resolved its past lending mistakes. But it is learning from them Letters to the editor Mark Sedwill on a year of fighting in Ukraine Mo Ibrahim on the need to reform international financial institutions Ukraine’s fate will determine the West’s authority in the world The West is struggling to forge a new arsenal of democracy The invasion has stalled, but Putin’s war on dissent marches on The war is making Ukraine a Western country Data from satellites reveal the vast extent of fighting in Ukraine The Philippines’ proximity to Taiwan makes it central to Western strategy India’s solar power rollout is flagging North Korean hackers stole a record $1.7bn of crypto last year Keeping up with the Tokugawas The conflict in Ukraine risks inflaming the Sino-American rivalry China’s war on graft in football Is China’s attitude to genetically modified crops changing? China’s public is fed up, but not on the brink of revolt State subsidies fuel America’s EV boom but risk overcapacity Chicago may throw Mayor Lori Lightfoot out in the first round The Ohio train derailment is turning into a political circus Christian Californians may have a solution to America’s obesity A Christian college in Kentucky has experienced a religious awakening “Freedom” is America’s latest political football Why South Africa is drifting into the Sino-Russian orbit A Nigerian trade in insects that bite Young Africans are logging in and clocking on Saudi Arabia is reconciling with regimes it once tried to topple The son of Iran’s last shah bids to regain the throne Joe Biden needs Mexico’s co-operation on migration Gustavo Petro, Colombia’s president, wants to smother the gig economy One Canadian province has decriminalised drugs A year on, Olaf Scholz’s promise of transformation is only partly kept Russia’s vaunted second offensive is a damp squib Ukraine’s tech entrepreneurs turn to military matters Meet the woman who is saving Ukraine’s wild animals Why Vladimir Putin will never stand trial in The Hague Rishi Sunak’s uphill struggle to make Brexit work in Northern Ireland Nicola Bulley and the era of the social-media sleuth Britain’s biggest skills problem is that many firms don’t value them A BBC monitoring station that listened in on the world is being sold Why crumbling courts are worsening Britain’s trial backlog The British government hopes a regulator can save football from folly Bring back Shamima Begum and then put her in prison Ukrainian refugees remain in limbo Global firms are eyeing Asian alternatives to Chinese manufacturing Demands on corporate boards are more intense than ever Unshowy competence brings drawbacks as well as benefits A warning from Walmart about the health of the American consumer Facebook sells subscriptions as the ad business stumbles Axel Springer is going all in on America It’s time for Alphabet to spin off YouTube The world’s interest bill is $13trn—and rising Xi Jinping’s next overseas-lending revolution Big Asian economies take on the forces of international capital—and win Despite the bullish talk, Wall Street has China reservations What war has done to Europe’s economy What would the perfect climate-change lender look like? There is a worrying amount of fraud in medical research At Young Thug’s blockbuster trial, rap lyrics are used as evidence Timothy Garton Ash travels across Europe and into its past The rise of chilli crisp is a study in how foods become fads A new book traces the evolution of the Fed’s extraordinary powers In “Hungry Ghosts”, spectres of Trinidad’s past haunt the island How an Ethiopian prince came to be buried at Windsor Castle Economic data, commodities and markets What are “golden visas”? What is Section 230? Gradually, the besieged city of Bakhmut is being abandoned by everyone Global news and current affairs from a European perspective. Best downloaded on Friday mornings (GMT)