品茶说茶:在中国茶叶博物馆漫步 (Taste Tea and Talk About Tea: Rambling over Chinese Tea Museum)


Language: Chinese

Publisher: CNPeReading

Published: Feb 1, 2013


"茶为国饮,杭为茶都"。中国茶叶博物馆以馆藏珍品美图为读者讲述了茶的起源、茶的传播、名茶妙品、茶具鉴赏以及中国茶道的精神内涵。书中的珍品由来,或来自地下,或来自宫廷,或来自海外,或来自市井小巷,但它们都以一种静美的方式讲述中华茶文化的源远流长。本书跳出了传统馆藏图录的编写方法,以故事形式讲述历史,以图片表达人文,极富感染力。("Tea is a national drink while Hangzhou is the tea capital". Chinese tea museum tells the readers with a collection of treasured exquisite photos about tea's origins and spreading, tasting famous tea, appreciation of tea set and the spiritual content of Chinese tea ceremony. Treasures in the book either derive from underground, palaces, overseas, streets or alleys while they represent long-standing Chinese tea culture in a fine way. This book jumps out of the compiling methods of traditional library catalog, and narrates histories in the form of stories, and expresses humanity with photos which is quite appealing.)